BaseOrderDraft Class

GF API Documentation
Common Order Draft members. See OrderDraft, ModifyOrderDraft
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace:  GF.Api.Orders.Drafts
Assembly:  GF.Api (in GF.Api.dll) Version: dd7171be68430789135ec75c4e9f4bbfeca31201

public abstract class BaseOrderDraft

The BaseOrderDraft type exposes the following members.


Public propertyDeltaTicks
The difference between Price of the linked order and the main order in ticks.
Public propertyDeltaTicks2
The difference between Price2 of the linked order and the main order in ticks.
Public propertyEnd
Execution end time, UTC
Public propertyExecInst
Order execution instructions
Public propertyFlags
Order execution flags
Public propertyIcebergData
Iceberg order parameters
Public propertyPrice
Limit price or stop price for STP and STPLMT orders
Public propertyPrice2
Limit price for STPLMT orders
Public propertyQuantity
Order quantity
Public propertySenderLocation
Sender location, only for allowed users.
Public propertyStart
Execution start time, UTC
Public propertySubmissionType
Is this order being manually executed?
Public propertyTag50
Tag50 data
Public propertyTrailingStopData
Trailing Stop order parameters
Public propertyType
Order type
See Also
