IAccount Properties

GF API Documentation

The IAccount type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAvgPositions
Average positions stats per symbol - see IPosition.
Public propertyBalances
Account balance and profit/loss data (see IBalance) per each ICurrency available for the account.
Public propertyBaseCurrency
Base Currency of account
Public propertyClearingHouse
Clearing house
Public propertyDetailedPositions
List of detailed IPosition lists for an IAccount. See DetailedPositions.
Public propertyID
Account identifier
Public propertyIsComplianceRiskLimit
Indicates that risk limitation is set because of compliance
Public propertyIsMarginCallExempt
Is this account exempt from margin calls?
Public propertyIsReadOnly
Indicates that account is read only
Public propertyMarginAccountType
Margin Account Type
Public propertyRiskLimitsType
Type of risk limitation for account
Public propertyRoot
Root account, if this account is a subaccount
Public propertySpec
Account Number
Public propertySubaccounts
List of sub-accounts
Public propertyTotalBalance
Account balance and profit/loss data - total for all currencies
Public propertyTrader
ITrader who owns this account or null
Public propertyType
Type of account
See Also
