IPosition Interface

GF API Documentation
General position interface

Namespace:  GF.Api.Positions
Assembly:  GF.Api (in GF.Api.dll) Version: dd7171be68430789135ec75c4e9f4bbfeca31201

public interface IPosition

The IPosition type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAccount
Account of the position
Public propertyContract
Contract of the position
Public propertyContractSize
Contract size. The same as Contract.ContractSize, but depends on account type in the case of FX accounts.
Public propertyCostBasis
Cost basis of options position in USD
Public propertyCurrencyCostBasis
Cost basis of options position in native currency
Public propertyCurrencyGain
Total profit/loss (sum of realized and open p/l) in native currency. See also Gain
Public propertyCurrencyInitialMargin
Initial margin of open position in native currency
Public propertyCurrencyMaintenanceMargin
Maintenance margin of open position in native currency
Public propertyCurrencyMarketValue
Current market value of options position in native currency
Public propertyCurrencyNetGain
Realized profit/loss in native contract currency. See also NetGain
Public propertyCurrencyOTE
Theoretical profit/loss of open position against last market price in native currency. See also OTE
Public propertyCurrencySettlePnL
Theoretical profit/loss of open position against previous settlement price in native currency. See also SettlePnL
Public propertyCutOff
Position timestamp, UTC
Public propertyDate
Business date of the position
Public propertyDisplayContractSymbol
Display name of contract (single of dual)
Public propertyFills
Fills of position
Public propertyGain
Total profit/loss (sum of realized and open p/l) in USD. See also CurrencyGain
Public propertyInitialMargin
Initial margin of open position in native currency
Public propertyIsDetailed
Checks whether the position is element of detailed position history or daily position summary
Public propertyLong
Bought contracts and avg. buy price.
Public propertyMaintenanceMargin
Maintenance margin of open position in USD
Public propertyMarketValue
Current market value of options position in USD
Public propertyNet
Net position and avg. price
Public propertyNetGain
Realized profit/loss converted to USD minus commissions. See also CurrencyNetGain
Public propertyOpenCommissions
Commissions for fills of open position
Public propertyOTE
Theoretical profit/loss of open position against last market price in USD minus commissions See also CurrencyOTE
Public propertyPositionContract
Main contract (electronic preferred) of the position
Public propertyPrev
Previous day position and avg. price
Public propertyRealizedCommissions
Commissions for fills of closed position
Public propertySettlePnL
Theoretical profit/loss of open position against previous settlement price in USD minus commissions See also CurrencySettlePnL
Public propertyShort
Sold contracts and avg. sell price.
See Also
